Financial Preparation

How to Safeguard Your Resources in Institutions, Projects and Materials that Allow for Your Long-term Sustainability in the Transition to the Golden Age

By Jackie Fleder

                  Note: I am not a financial advisor. I am an investor. Your Higher Self is your best advisor. These are ideas for you to consider as you commune with your Higher Self. Every person has a different set of circumstances and varying amounts of resources available. Each needs to consider their own situation when determining how to invest their financial resources. A financial planner can give you more specific advice on how to invest your resources.
                  The transition of the economy to a golden age economy is a time of great opportunity and wealth transfer as wealth shifts from paper assets to the gold standard. A lot of financial advisors write about what they see on the horizon. They are quite negative about our future. They don’t understand the new age that is coming. Often they despair. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can’t experience an economic depression if you are not depressed. We have to hold the immaculate concept for the economy and the people of our nations. Yet we desire to see the handwriting on the wall so we do not lose our physical resources in the transition.
                  It is difficult to predict with certainty what investments will appreciate because there are many cross currents flowing through our economy. Inflation and deflation are occurring at the same time. The value of a particular asset can depend much on many other variables in the economy. No one knows for sure how it will play out. That is why asset diversification is recommended when investing. Fortuna has said that we should not put all our apples in one basket.
                  One thing that is known is that many of the public institutions and exchanges are riddled with fraud and insolvent. This crisis is orders of magnitudes greater than the 1987 stock market plunge which most of you experienced. I don’t think our stock, bond, and currency markets will survive in their current form. I don’t think these markets will be desired in the golden age. I think the form of our financial markets will be much simpler than it is now.
                  During the time of the great depression there was a wealth transfer where wealth was mostly concentrated in the hands of the power elite. A few light bearers were able to read the signs of the time and position themselves, but most were caught off guard and lost much of the wealth they had accumulated prior to the depression. In the transition in progress now, I see wealth going the other way from the hands of the power elite to the many light bearers. It takes non attachment to your physical resources and listening to your Higher Self in order to place your assets in the right spot to receive this abundance.
      Physical versus Paper Assets, Electronic Assets
                  My observation it that it is generally better to invest in physical assets at this time and not paper assets. My definition of a physical asset is an asset that has physical existence, such as cash, precious metals, equipment, and real estate where ownership is allocated to you outside our computerized public exchanges and institutions. The term paper asset refers to the paper that money is printed on, or the CD certificate, or stock certificate that you used to receive when you invested your money before computers were used extensively. Nowadays most paper assets are really electronic assets. Electronic assets include Stocks, Bonds, CD’s, money markets, mutual funds, and checking accounts. You don’t receive those paper certificates any longer and you don’t hold much cash in your wallet or home. Your asset exists as digital data in some institution’s computer that you can access on line. It’s so much easier for your bank, mutual fund or brokerage house to hold these paper certificates for you in a computer in their name. The problem with this is that if the institution holding your asset goes bankrupt the assets they were holding for you are considered part of the bankruptcy assets and are given to the creditors and not to you.
                  The government created the FDIC for banks and the SPIC for brokerages to guarantee at least part of your money in the system. If several banks and brokerage houses go under at once the FDIC or SPIC doesn’t have the personnel or funds to handle it and you might not have access to your funds for a while, for months, even years. This is exactly the scenario experts are predicting. Some say 6000 banks are insolvent now. Some say 600. No one has given an estimate on brokerage houses in trouble because they have so many hidden off balance sheet investments. Experts are now talking about banking holidays. When banks reopen they may very well limit withdrawals to something like $500 dollars per week effectively keeping you from transferring your money out of the system. Typically the government tries to make every depositor whole causing massive inflation. Your purchasing power can be inflated away before you gain complete access to your money. In past economic panics one million dollars was reduced to $500 dollars of purchasing power in ten days. These are some of the risks of keeping your money in the system.
                  The masters say this is a very physical time and we must be physically prepared. Physical assets are not someone else’s liability. You don’t have to worry that you will lose you investment due to an institution’s insolvency, inflation or government currency controls. Physical assets generally appreciate at the inflation rate and high inflation is occurring worldwide. Also, a commodities boom is in progress fueled by emerging economies. China, India and other developing countries are demanding more commodities to grow. Food and resources are in short supply due to lack of investment. Commodity booms usually last at least 20 years. We are about eight years into this cycle.
      Financial Preparedness: 3 week, 3month, and Sustainable
      Three Week Plan: Have three weeks of cash and coin in house for expenses because banks may be closed and you may not be able to use credit or debit cards.
      Three Month Plan: Have three months of expenses in cash, coin, and or gold and silver.
      Sustainable Financial Preparedness for Securing Savings and Investments.
      From God of Gold Darshan on July 27th, 2008: 
      “Consider 25% of your savings minimum in gold and silver. 50% of your savings in materials that you will need for your physical sustenance and sustainability. And the remaining 25% either in land or in funds that are absolutely secure, or cash.”
On cashing out IRA’s God of Gold said:
      “This is a personal decision based on amount invested, what withdrawal will mean tax wise, your age, how much you will require for your retirement to the ripe age to which many will live....All factors must be considered, including current potential income, ongoing income. What you may want to do is consider no longer putting money into IRA funds, 401k’s but in other sources and in general if you have $10,000 or more in these funds, we would recommend removal of at least 50%”
       The God of Gold suggests diversifying into at least 3-5 different assets. Many people I have talked to have a high percentage of their assets in one area such as 40lk’s, pension plans or in real estate. These investments could be illiquid in a crisis.
Sustainable Financial Preparedness for Your Current Income
      Is your job or business sustainable in an economic meltdown? If not, consider developing an alternative business on the side to maintain your income. People will most likely go to a barter system where goods and services will be exchanged because very few will have cash or precious metals. Obviously a hair cutter can still cut hair, but can an accountant still find work? You will have to discern under what economic conditions your current income stream will remain viable and if perhaps there is another income stream you could develop that will be more secure. A friend of mine who owns an organic produce company that imports produce from around the world sees the hand writing on the wall. She is starting a business selling local produce and foods to consumers in the Tucson area. If her produce importing business fails due to the credit crisis or high fuel costs, she has another business started.
      However many of us have no idea what we will do in a crisis. We will just go with the flow and figure out something if and when we get there. The best way to guarantee your future prosperity no matter what the economic situation is tithing, the law of the tenfold return.
      Many masters have spoken on giving and the tithe. This is the most profitable investment you can make as a 10-fold return equates to 1000% return on your money. If you give 10% of your income now, you will receive 100% of your income in the next cycle. If you want to increase your income you can give more than 10%. If you had $100 dollars, you could invest in a certificate of deposit it would return you $4 dollars per year. You could invest in a dividend stock and receive $10 per year. You could do much research on alternative energy and invest, doubling or tripling your money. Or you could multiply $100 ten times and receive $1000 dollars with the law of the ten fold return.
      The masters require our financial support to keep the messenger employed, website running and deliver their word to us during this economic crisis. Many of you are already tithing. Thank you for your support of the Masters. For those of you who are not tithing consider supporting The Hearts Center with 10% of your income as a way tie thee to God and secure the cosmic flow of abundance to yourself during this time of economic challenge.
      In addition to the tithe consider Seed money in action. Seed money is a gift in order to claim a tenfold return. It is different from the tithe which is a gift after you have made the income. Money in circulation is God in action. You can buy a lot of good with your money and receive a 1000% return. Determine the cost of a project you wish to fulfill or an object you wish to obtain. Give one tenth of that cost to a charitable cause. If you desire $500 for preparedness then give a gift of 50$ and make your intention known to the universe. Watch for your return. You could receive items of preparedness instead of money as your return. Write it down. Often we do not acknowledge our return and praise God for it. 
      The law of the 10-fold return is such a good deal. When we practice it we are actually expanding our abundance in the economy. Do you want to help the economy? This is a great way to do it and help the Masters too. Most of us have invoked this law and know it works. Why don’t we practice it all the time? We get into the world and mingle with those who prosperity consciousness is lower. We forget and return to our old habits. We have to continuously engage in activities which keep our prosperity consciousness high. Giving and gratitude keep our consciousness high as does saying a decree or reading the masters’ words. 
      We have to give in order to receive. Remember a key to our financial sustainability is supporting the delivery of the Masters’ word. If we do so we will have prosperity no matter what the economic circumstances.
Suggestions for physical investments in the order of importance
         In a recent message El Morya talked about our goals for the next six months. He said that we must move quickly. Prudent and future vision involving investments in the financial markets are required. Consider all possibilities. Safeguard your resources in institutions, projects and materials that allow for your long term sustainablilty.
1) Invest in food and water supplies
      For the first time in history world oil supply cannot keep up with demand. Commentators have said we are one week away from no food in the stores. It would only take a week for the stores to be depleted if we can’t get diesel fuel for our semi trucks. With all the disasters in China the people have been buying more diesel fuel on the open market driving up costs. If these disasters continue diesel shortages could occur. The US has no strategic food supply. All stockpiles have been depleted by selling to other countries while we have had 17 years of record harvests. Demand is growing much faster than supply. This year’s harvest is barely adequate to meet demand. Prices are rising and may increase dramatically through the winter.
      Similarly as fuel prices go higher and natural disasters occur we are having more trouble with the electric grid which supplies our water. If you have money in the stock market, banks or 401k’s and you don’t have at least a 3 month supply of food and water, take it out and spend it on food an water supplies.
2) Invest in other 3 month preparedness supplies besides food and water
      From the Tucson Hearts Center website
“Saint Germain has said (3/10/06 & 6/15/06) that he would like each one of us to be prepared for emergencies and evacuations as they are likely to occur and no place is absolutely immune.
      “Every area in the country is vulnerable in some way even if it's a power outage or being snowed in, it's nice to be prepared with flashlights, canned food, battery operated radios, etc.. The Mormons have been preparing like this for a long time. They find that preparedness also helps in times of economic hardship such as the loss of a job. Even if they are not affected by a disaster they are able to assist their brothers and sisters who have been affected by sharing out of their stored supplies. Another benefit of emergency preparedness is the savings on food by buying quantities on sale or buying in bulk.”
      Supplies such as generators, communication systems, bug out bags, storing gas for your car and so on should be your next purchase. If you haven’t completed the 3 month plan use money you have in the financial system to complete it. With inflation running at 10-20% now you’ll make a better return on your money than keeping it in the bank. If you wait for a crisis to stock up, you’ll pay extremely high prices and lose money. Consult with your Higher Self on what to stock after reviewing the 3 month plan so your money is used most efficiently.
3) Investing in gold and silver
      God of Gold recommended 25% or more of savings in gold and silver.
Buy gold and silver eagles, Silver rounds, junk silver, Canadian maple leafs or coin issued by your country. For large investors 10, 100, 1000 oz bars are ok too. No numismatics coins, coins valued for collector value instead of bullion content, unless that is the only choice. gives a good explanation of numismatic coins and lists many of the arguments salesman use to sell the public these coins.
      Note: there is a shortage of silver and gold. You may have to pay a 10% premium in gold and up to 100% premium in silver over the spot price or wait 3-4 months for delivery. or, are good sites to compare prices with or to order from.
4) Keeping a stash of cash and coin.  
      Keep a stash of cash and coin around. Gold and silver may become too valuable to use for grocery money in a crises and you may not want to alert people that you have it. Cash and coin will be a good backup in such a circumstance. Cash and coin could appreciate in a banking crisis because people won’t have access to electronic funds, checks, credit and debit cards. The metal in coins, pennies dimes nickel, and quarters may become more valuable than the face value as metals increase in price due to inflation. gives you the current melt value for coins. A pre 1982 penny is worth 2.5 cents. The US mint had to change the composition of the penny to mostly zinc to get the price down. A nickel is worth slightly more than 5 cents. Congress is about to get rid of the penny. Consider saving a least some of your spare change. You might be surprised how much cash could appreciate in a crisis. Never in the history of economic panics has there been the use of electronic money. I would guess over 90% of transactions in the economy use electronic money instead of cash. Does that mean that cash could appreciate by a factor of 10 in a crisis? I think it’s possible. You might not be able to buy a big screen TV or computer from China with it, but you might be surprised how much food you can suddenly buy because no one has any cash. I suggest a cash supply of one to three months of expenses
5) Invest in a safe location.
      Determine if you will stay in your current location and invest in that location or invest in one of the retreat locations. Develop a plan in the next two to three months.
      Real estate is more favorably priced from a year ago. Deals can be found. Commercial real estate is coming down in price. Is this the bottom? I don’t know. The credit industry continues to collapse. There is lots of real estate for sale and in foreclosure. Getting financing is more and more difficult. The best borrowers have to jump through hoops to get financing. It takes more time to close a loan. Meanwhile interest rates are rising. I doubt financing can be obtained for raw land. You may have to use cash or owner financing. Even though real estate prices are down rising interest rates may result is higher monthly payments.
6) Invest in supplies and materials to be sustainable
      Once you have decided on your safe location, invest in ways to renew your supplies to become sustainable. Invest in a wood stove, solar ovens, solar energy, an energy efficient car, ham radio, a green house, a garden, as your finances permit. There is a big budget version and a small budget version for each of these. In a crisis you can help others get through the crisis in exchange for services that they can render for you like working in your garden or trading chicken eggs to talk with family members on the ham radio and so on. One person was telling me that her neighbors were poor so they offered to mow her lawn for free if she supplied the gas to mow both lawns.
7) Safe ways to hold paper assets if you want to keep some of your investments in the financial system
      If you feel you must keep all or part of your money in banking system, mutual funds, 401k’s or stock market there are ways you can better protect yourself. First of all don’t believe people in the industry when they say your money is safe. They often don’t know the truth. Check it out thoroughly yourself. Go to
for their free report on the safest banks, insurance companies etc. Don’t have more than $250,000 in one bank and split up your money in two or three institutions. 

      If you invest in individual stocks get the stock certificate from your broker. You can do this for an IRA or 401k as well. Go to and search for certificates. Several articles will come up on how to get share certificates in your name. Then your investment is protected if the brokerage firm goes under.

Revised: October 2008